Tourism- Culprit in commodifying cultures and traditions
12:05 PM

Yes, I feel that it is definitely the case. The commodification of tourism is contributing to irreversible changes in culture, tradition, and ecological balance, which is harmful for the global society. Even if the government would like to stop this from happening, it is inevitable as the economic benefits of tourism are simply too significant to ignore. Even national governments implement aggressive measures to promote tourism so that they can benefit from the huge money inflows despite knowing the risks that comes along with it.

As tourism brings about massive revenue, it normally caters to the tourist’s demand as they are the pivot of whether the economic will rise or fall. So the government will do anything in its control even commodifying cultures and traditions to please tourists.

However instead of totally shunning commodification, tourism firms and governments would do well to take preemptive measures and safeguards to preserve the authenticity, culture, and ecological diversity of the tourism regions. Modern trends indicate that commodification will continue to happen, and hence, the emphasis should be on proper management of tourism for the benefit of mankind.

posted by marcus teo on 12:05 PM
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