Changes that have been brought about by the growth of tourism in France
12:10 PM


In 1999 France was the most visited destiny (70 million tourists), followed by Spain (51 million) and the United States country that registry the highest income by international tourism. This brought about a huge increase in the economic sector where tourism was the main generating revenue in France. As tourism takes its place in the economy, many tourists attractions were promoted worldwide. Attractions such as the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower are two world famous attractions. As these tourists’ spots begin to attract more people, employment rates will increase to cater to the ever increasing demand to view these sites.

When more tourists arrives to France, they begin to use some of its local products and spread the usefulness of it to their fellow countries. This resulted in the commercialisation of local products such as “Peugeot” (automobile) and the world-famous water “Evian”.


Unfortunately, growth of tourism in France brings about negative factors too. In order to cater to tourist’s demand, there have to be destruction of landscape to make way for modern infrastructure. One good example would be the Disneyland in Paris.

Tourists arrival also brought a rise in production of disposal. This contributes to the climate change and acid rain that are increasingly more common not only in France but the rest of the world.

Indigenous tribes in France such as The Franks and Gaul have their land stripped away from them without permission by the government and use these places to build tourists attractions. This has cost a loss of traditional habits that are part of the history and cultural of France.

It has also been noted that there is a raise of prostitution in France. This is inevitable as prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and more visitors arriving in France would only result in a crease in demand for sex tourism.

posted by marcus teo on 12:10 PM
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