Indigenous groups in France
12:21 PM

There are two famous indigenous groups in France namely The Franks and Gaul.

The Franks

The Franks comprises a federation of Germanic people who entered France during the decline of the Roman Empire in Western Europe. They were a West Germanic tribal confederation first attested in the third century as living north and east of the Lower Rhine River.

Contemporary definitions of the ethnicity of the Franks vary by period and point of view. Many in the East used the term "Franks" to describe or refer to Western Europeans and Roman Catholic Christians in general.


The Gauls were a Celtic people living in Gaul, the region roughly corresponding to what is now France and Belgium, from the Iron Age through the Roman period. They mostly spoke the Continental Celtic language called Gaulish.

The Gauls practiced a form of animism, comparing human characteristics to lakes, streams, mountains, and other natural features and granting them divine status. Also, worship of animals was not uncommon; the animal most sacred to the Gauls was the boar, which can be found on many Gallic military standards, much like the Roman eagle.

posted by marcus teo on 12:21 PM
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