France's languages
12:21 PM

As France take great pride in its national identity, it is only natural that French is their official language. There are several regional languages spoken as well but they make the minority. According to Enquête familiale, Insee, 1999, statistics have shown that

As you can see all the other languages only totals up to a measly 8%.


Occitan language is a Romance language spoken by about 1,500,000 people in southern France. All Occitan speakers use French as their official and cultural language, but Occitan dialects are used for everyday purposes and show no signs of extinction.

German and German dialects

German dialects are any of the varieties of standard German, Luxembourgish and Yiddish, as well as the local German.

Oïl languages

Oïl languages are a group of languages or dialects including standard French and its closest autochthonous relatives spoken today in the northern half of France.


Arabic is a Central Semitic Language, thus related to and classified alongside other Semitic languages such as Hebrew and the Neo-Aramaic languages.

posted by marcus teo on 12:21 PM
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